Civil Rights and Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment

The University of Georgia (the “University”) is committed to maintaining a fair and respectful environment for living, work, and study. To that end, and in accordance with federal and state law, University System of Georgia (“USG”) policy, and University policy, the University prohibits harassment of or discrimination against any person because of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status by any member of the University Community (as defined below) on campus, in connection with a University program or activity, or in a manner that creates a hostile environment for any member of the University Community. Incidents of harassment and discrimination will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal or expulsion from the University.

Bias based on the protected categories of age, color, disability, genetic information, national 
origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status will not hinder employment, study or institutional 
services, programs, or activities. Bias factors will not be permitted to have an adverse influence 
upon decisions regarding students, employees, applicants for admission, applicants for employment, 
contractors, volunteers, or participants in or users of institutional programs, services, and 
activities. The University of Georgia will continue in its efforts to maintain an institutional 
environment free of such bias and restates its policy prohibiting the interference of such bias.

The University follows the USG Sexual Misconduct Policy 6.6 Non-Discrimination and Anti- 
Harassment, found at, the USG Sexual Misconduct 
Policy 6.7, Sexual Misconduct Policy, found at and 
the USG Policy to Prohibit Discrimination & Harassment found at: This Policy incorporates by 
reference the applicable sections of the USG Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, USG 
Sexual Misconduct Policy, and the USG Policy to Prohibit Discrimination & Harassment. All 
allegations of discrimination and harassment based on the protected categories other than Sexual 
Misconduct alleged against a student Respondent(s) will be covered by this Policy together with the 
USG Sexual Misconduct Policy and the USG Policy to Prohibit Discrimination & Harassment.

Every member of the University Community is expected to uphold this Policy as a matter of mutual 
respect and fundamental fairness in human relations. Every student of this institution has a responsibility to conduct themselves in accordance with this Policy as a condition of enrollment,  and every University employee has an obligation to observe University policies as a term of  employment.

In addition, one aspect of performance appraisal for University personnel at all levels of 
supervision and administration will include the qualitative evaluation of their leadership in 
implementing this Policy. Merit and productivity, free from prohibited bias, will continue to guide 
decisions relating to employment and enrollment.
Nothing in this Policy prevents a University Community member from filing a complaint with a state 
or federal agency or court.


A. Members of the University Community

Members of the University Community are any persons employed by or affiliated with the University 
in any way and persons participating in any University program or activity, including, but not 
limited to:

1. University faculty, staff, administrators, employees, and independent contractors;
2. University students;
3. Volunteers and participants in any University program or activity; and
4. Guests and visitors to campus to any property owned or leased by the University or to any 
property owned or leased by any University-affiliated organization or group.

B. Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Misconduct: An umbrella term that is used to describe a wide range of prohibited sexual 
conduct as described below, including sexual harassment. Sexual misconduct can occur regardless of 
the relationship, position, or respective sex. Same-sex harassment violates this Policy, as does 
harassment by a student of an employee or a subordinate employee of their supervisor.

Sexual Harassment (Other than Student on Student): Unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical 
conduct, based on sex (including gender stereotypes), that may be any of the following:

1. Implicitly or explicitly a term or condition of employment or status in a course, program, or 
2. A basis for employment or educational decisions;
3. Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive to interfere with one’s work or educational 
performance creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or learning environment, or 
interfering with or limiting one’s ability to participate in or to benefit from an institutional 
program or activity; or

4. Determined by a Reasonable Person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it 
effectively denies a person equal access to a University education program or activity in violation 
of Title IX.

Sexual Harassment (Student on Student): Unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct based on 
sex (including gender stereotypes), determined by a Reasonable Person to be so severe, pervasive, 
and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to participate in or to 
benefit from an institutional education program or activity.

Examples of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment to the extent it meets either of the 
above definitions, without limitation:

1. Nonconsensual touching of another’s body, including unwanted hugging or shoulder rubbing.
2. Sexual remarks, jokes, anecdotes, inquiries, or physical gestures.
3. Requests or propositions of a sexual nature.
4. Gender or sex-based comments or comments of a sexual nature (either complimentary or insulting) 
about a person’s physique, clothing, or sexual/romantic activity or preferences.
5. Inappropriate use, display, or non-consensual sharing of sexual images, text, or objects.

In addition to Sexual Harassment as defined above, this Policy prohibits domestic violence, dating 
violence, nonconsensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual penetration, sexual assault, sexual 
exploitation, and stalking. They are defined as follows:

Dating Violence: Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a 
romantic or intimate nature with the alleged victim. The existence of such relationship shall be 
determined based on the totality of the circumstances including, without limitation: (1) the length 
of the relationship; (2) the type of relationship; and (3) the frequency of interaction between the 
persons involved in the relationship. Dating violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or 
physical abuse or the threat of such abuse. Dating violence does not include acts covered under the 
definition of Domestic Violence.

Domestic Violence: Violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the 
alleged victim; by a person with whom the alleged victim shares a child in common; by a person who 
is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, or by a 
person similarly situated to a spouse of the alleged victim.

Nonconsensual Sexual Contact: Any physical contact with another person of a sexual nature without 
the person’s consent. Nonconsensual Sexual Contact includes, but is not limited to, the touching of 
a person’s intimate parts (for example, genitalia, groin, breasts, or buttocks); touching a person 
with one’s own intimate parts; or forcing a person to touch his or her own or another person’s 
intimate parts. This provision also includes “Fondling” as defined by the Clery Act.

Nonconsensual Sexual Penetration: Any penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth by a penis, object, 
tongue, finger, or other body part; or contact between the mouth of one person and the genitals or anus of another person. This provision also includes “Rape, Incest, and Statutory Rape” 
as defined by the Clery Act.

Sexual Assault: A term used in the Clery Act to refer to an offense classified as a forcible or 
nonforcible sex offense under the uniform crime reporting system of the Federal Bureau of 

Stalking: Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a 
reasonable person to fear for their safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional 

For the purposes of this definition:

1. Course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the 
stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means 
follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person or 
interferes with person’s property.
2. Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does 
not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.
Stalking in this Policy pertains to conduct with sexual intent in a dating relationship or attempts 
at establishing a sexual or dating relationship or conduct after a relationship has ended.
Sexual Exploitation: Occurs when an individual takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of 
another for his or her own advantage or benefit, or to the benefit or advantage of anyone other 
than the one being exploited.

Examples of sexual exploitation may include, but are not limited to, the following

1. Invasion of sexual privacy;
2. Prostituting another individual;
3. Non-consensual photos, video or audio of sexual activity;
4. Non-consensual distribution of photo, video or audio of sexual activity, even if the sexual 
activity or video or audio taken of sexual activity was consensual;
5. Intentional observation of nonconsenting individuals who are partially undressed, naked, or 
engaged in sexual acts;
6. Knowingly transmitted an STD or HIV to another individual through sexual activity;
7. Intentionally and inappropriately exposing one's breasts, buttocks, groin, or genitals in 
non-consensual circumstances; and/or
8. Sexually-based bullying.

Consent: Words or actions that show a knowing and voluntary willingness to engage in mutually 
agreed-upon sexual activity. Consent cannot be gained by force, intimidation, or coercion; by 
ignoring or acting in spite of objections of another; or by taking advantage of the incapacitation 
of another where the Respondent knows or reasonably should have known of such incapacitation. 
Minors under the age of 16 cannot legally consent under Georgia law. Consent is also absent when 
the activity in question exceeds the scope of consent previously given. Past

consent does not imply present or future consent. Silence or an absence of resistance does not 
imply consent. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by a party by using clear words or actions.

Incapacitation: The physical and/or mental inability to make informed, rational judgments. It can 
result from mental disability, sleep or any state of unconsciousness, involuntary physical 
restraint, status as a minor under the age of 16, or from intentional or unintentional taking of 
alcohol and/or other drugs.
Whether someone is incapacitated is to be judged from the perspective of an objectively reasonable 
C. Discriminatory Harassment and Discrimination
Discriminatory harassment: Unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on age, color, disability, 
genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status when it is 
sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive to:

1. Unreasonably interfere with the individual’s work or educational performance;
2. Create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment; or
3. Unreasonably interfere with or limits one’s ability to participate in or benefit from an 
institutional program or activity.

Discrimination: Decision-making based on age, color, disability, genetic information, national 
origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status.

Other examples that may constitute discrimination as defined above include, without limitation:

1. Hiring, termination, promotion, salary actions, and other employment decisions based on 
protected categories, i.e. race, sex, disability, etc.;
2. Assigning grades, or making academic decisions based on protected categories, such as race, sex, 
disability, etc.; and/or
3. Refusing acceptance or admission to a person with a disability without consideration of 

D. Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Officer, Title VI Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator, and 
ADA/Section504 Coordinator

The Director of the Equal Opportunity Office (“EOO Director”) serves as the Non- 
Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Officer (“NDAH Officer”), the University’s Title VI Coordinator¹, 
the University’s Title IX Coordinator², and the University’s Disability Coordinator under the 
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The EOO 
Director is the individual designated by the President with responsibility for providing education 
and training about prohibited discrimination and harassment to the University community and for 
receiving and investigating reports and complaints of discrimination and harassment in accordance 
with this Policy. The EOO Director can be reached at the Equal Opportunity Office, located at 278 
Brooks Hall, by phone at (706) 542- 7912, or via

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects people from discrimination based on race, color 
or national origin in programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance.
2 Title IX states that: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from 
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education 
program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

email at


EOO employees do not serve as advocates or representatives for parties or witnesses. Advocacy, 
counseling, and support resources available on campus and in the greater community are identified 
at the end of this Policy.

E. Additional Defined Terms

Definitions of additional terms that the University applies when administering and enforcing this
Policy, including terms related to discrimination and discriminatory harassment, can be found on 
EOO’s website at:

















A. Prohibition Against Retaliation

Anyone who has made a report or complaint, provided information, assisted, participated or refused 
to participate in any manner in the NDAH Process, shall not be subjected to retaliation. Anyone who 
believes that they have been subjected to retaliation should immediately contact the EOO Director 
or their designee. Any person found to have engaged in retaliation in violation of this Policy 
shall be subject to disciplinary action.

B. Confidentiality
The University strongly supports an individual’s interest in confidentiality, particularly in 
instances involving sexual misconduct. When a Complainant or alleged victim requests their identity 
be withheld or the allegation(s) not be investigated, the University will consider, through the EOO 
Director/Title IX Coordinator, whether this request can be honored while still complying with other 
laws, regulations, or policies and providing a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for the 
University. Honoring the request may limit the University’s ability to respond fully to the 
incident and may limit the University’s ability to discipline the Respondent. The Complainant or 
alleged victim will be informed of any decision to act contrary to the request for confidentiality 
or no investigation before any disclosures are made and before an investigation begins.

In support of an individual’s request for confidentiality and the University’s interest in learning 
about incidents of discrimination and harassment, the University designates two levels of 
confidential resources:

1. Privileged Resource Employee: Individuals employed by the institution to whom a complainant or 
alleged victim may talk in confidence, as provided by law. Disclosure to these employees will not 
automatically trigger an investigation against the complainant’s or alleged victim’s wishes. 
Privileged Resource Employees include those providing counseling, advocacy, health, mental health, 
or sexual-assault related services (e.g., sexual assault resource centers, campus health centers, 
pastoral counselors, and campus mental health centers) or as otherwise provided by applicable law. 
Exceptions to confidentiality exist where the conduct involves suspected abuse of a minor (in

Georgia, under the age of 18) or otherwise provided by law, such as imminent threat of serious 
•  University Health Center CAPS (Counseling and Psychiatric Services)
•  University Health Center Medical Clinicians
•  UGA Psychology Clinic
•  UGA Center for Counseling and Personal Evaluation
• Love and Money Center
•  UGA Family Violence Clinic
•  Veterans Legal Clinic
•  Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic
•  UGA First Amendment Clinic

However, these employees still must comply with anonymous reporting requirements for Clery Act 
purposes and mandatory reporting under Georgia State law. Note that the anonymous reporting 
requirement under the Clery Act does not apply to individuals who are pastoral or professional 
counselors (as defined in the Clery Act) when such individuals are acting as counselors.

Questions regarding reporting requirements under the Clery Act can be directed to the University’s 
Clery Compliance Coordinator.

2. Support Resource Employee: Institution employees who have been designated by the institution to 
talk with a Complainant or Respondent in confidence. Support Resource Employees must only report 
that the incident occurred and provide date, time, location, and name of the Respondent (if known) 
without revealing any information that would personally identify the alleged victim. This minimal 
reporting must be submitted in compliance with Title IX and the Clery Act. Support Resource 
Employees may be required to fully disclose details of an incident in order to ensure campus 

•  University Health Center RSVP (Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention)
•  University Ombudspersons
•  Student Care and Outreach

C. Reporting

Any administrator, supervisor, faculty member, or other person in a position of authority who is 
not a Privileged Resource Employee or Support Resource Employee (a “Responsible Employee”) who 
knows of, or receives a complaint of, potential discrimination or harassment must fully report the 
information or complaint to the EOO promptly. Student employees who serve in a supervisory, 
advisory, or managerial role are Responsible Employees and in positions of authority for purposes 
of this Policy (e.g., teaching assistants, residential assistants, student managers, orientation 
leaders, etc.) and must also promptly report discrimination or harassment to EOO. A complaint or 
report of discrimination or harassment made to any Responsible Employee generally obligates the 
University to review the report and take appropriate steps to

address the situation. The responsibility to investigate rests with EOO and not with the 
Responsible Employee who receives the complaint or report. Failure to promptly report may 
constitute a separate violation of the NDAH Policy and may provide a basis for discipline under 
this Policy. This provision does not apply to disclosures of sexual misconduct to privileged or 
confidential resources as identified by the USG Sexual Misconduct Policy or this Policy.

The University encourages any person who feels they have been discriminated against or harassed to 
promptly report the incident to the EOO or discuss the incident with the confidential resources 
identified above. Any member of the University Community who observes discrimination or harassment 
of another person on campus, in connection with a University program or activity, or in a manner 
that creates a hostile environment for members of the University Community should report the 
conduct to EOO. No member of the University Community should assume that an official of the 
University already knows about a particular discriminatory or harassing situation.

If a Complainant reports discrimination or harassment to a Responsible Employee but wants to 
maintain confidentiality, the Responsible Employee or person in a position of authority must relay 
the request for confidentiality when reporting the alleged discrimination or harassment to EOO. The 
request for confidentiality will be considered but cannot be guaranteed as referenced above.

Complaints and reports of discrimination and harassment should be reported as soon as possible 
after the incident(s) in order to be most effectively investigated. Complaints may be made in 
person, in writing (via complaint form, email or otherwise), or over the phone. Under some 
circumstances, including for complaints made under Title IX, EOO may require a Complainant to 
submit a complaint in writing. Complaints can also be made anonymously, but this may limit the 
extent to which the complaint can be investigated. Information on filing complaints can be found 


















Where the discrimination or harassment alleged is potentially of a criminal nature, University 
Community members are encouraged to also contact the University Police Department (for conduct that 
occurred on campus) or local law enforcement in the relevant jurisdiction (for conduct that 
occurred off campus). Except as required by the Clery Act for purposes of crime statistics 
reporting, police will not be notified of a sexual assault without the Complainant/ victim’s 
consent unless there is an imminent threat of harm or the incident involves someone under the age 
of 16. There is a mandatory reporting obligation for matters involving minors – see Mandatory 
Reporting of Child Abuse policy. University Community members have the right to simultaneously make 
a complaint under this Policy and to law enforcement.

D. False Accusations

Individuals are prohibited from knowingly making false statements or knowingly submitting false 
information to a University official. Any person found to have knowingly submitted false 
complaints, accusations, or statements, including during a hearing, in violation of this Policy, 
shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action (up to and including suspension, expulsion, or 
termination). Students violating this provision will be adjudicated under the UGA Code of Conduct. 
Employees violating this provision will be adjudicated under this Policy.






























E. Conflicts of Interest

If the Complainant, Respondent, or EOO representative asserts that a complaint presents an actual 
or apparent conflict of interest for EOO, the complaint should be submitted or referred to the 
Office of Legal Affairs to resolve the conflict of interest. An actual or apparent conflict of 
interest is a financial interest, relationship, or other circumstance that would lead a reasonable 
person to doubt the objectivity of the EOO representative. If the Office of Legal Affairs 
determines there is no actual or apparent conflict of interest for EOO, EOO shall conduct the 
inquiry into the complaint. If the Office of Legal Affairs determines that an actual or apparent 
conflict of interest exists for EOO, then the Office of Legal Affairs, in consultation with the 
President, shall appoint an independent individual with appropriate experience and training to 
conduct the inquiry into the complaint.
F. Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression

The University is committed to protecting, maintaining, and encouraging both freedom of expression 
and full academic freedom of inquiry, teaching, service, and research. This Policy is not intended 
to infringe or restrict rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution including free speech 
under the First Amendment or the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, but academic 
freedom and freedom of expression will not excuse behavior that constitutes a violation of the law 
or this Policy.

G. Records

Records generated under this Policy are subject to the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A.
§50-18-70, et seq.) but are maintained in accordance with, and subject to, privacy requirements 
under state and federal law, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 
(FERPA) and University System of Georgia’s policy on record retention. Additionally, the University 
will take reasonable steps to maintain privacy in relation to any accommodations or protective 
measures afforded to an alleged victim or Complainant, except to the extent necessary to provide 
the accommodations or protective measures.

Information pursuant to this Policy shared internally between University administrators is provided 
on a need-to-know basis. Complainant(s) and Respondent(s) will be allowed the opportunity to review 
a copy of any directly related information in the investigative file at the same time they are 
provided a draft copy of the investigative report. Privileged material that has not been 
voluntarily released in writing will not be included or otherwise considered in the investigative 
report and will be excluded from the released material.

Any public release of information to comply with the open crime logs or timely warning provisions 
of the Clery Act will not release the names of parties or information that could easily lead to a 
victim’s identification.

H. Right to be Accompanied by an Advisor or Support Person

Any party to a complaint shall have the opportunity to use an advisor (including an attorney) of 
their choosing for the express purpose of providing advice and counsel at their expense provided 
that a party may not select an advisor who is otherwise a party or witness involved in the

investigation. The advisor may be present during any meetings and proceedings involved in the 
investigatory or resolution process in which the advisee is also eligible to be present. The 
advisor may advise the advisee, including providing questions, suggestions, advice on the 
proceedings, and guidance on responses to any questions of the participant but shall not 
participate directly other than for the purpose of conducting cross-examination of the other party 
in a formal hearing under Title IX pursuant to the USG Policy to Prohibit Discrimination & 
Harassment. If in connection with a formal hearing under Title IX a party does not have an advisor, 
the University will provide an advisor solely for the purpose of conducting cross-examination 
during the formal hearing on behalf of the relevant party.

All communication during the investigation process will be between the University and the party and 
not the advisor. The University will copy the party’s advisor prior to the finalization of the 
investigation report when the University provides the parties the right to inspect and review 
directly related information gathered during the investigation. With the party’s permission, the 
advisor may be copied on all communications.

I. Presumption of Not Responsible (Innocence)

Individuals are presumed not responsible for the alleged conduct until a determination is made at 
the conclusion of the investigative and/or hearing process.

J. Amnesty for Students

Individuals should be encouraged to come forward and to report prohibited discriminatory or 
harassing conduct notwithstanding their consumption of alcohol or drugs. Information reported by a 
student during an investigation concerning their own consumption of drugs or alcohol will not be 
used against the particular student in a disciplinary proceeding or voluntarily reported to law 
enforcement; however, students may be provided with resources on drug and alcohol counseling and/or 
education, as appropriate. Nevertheless, these students may be required to meet with staff members 
in regards to the incident and may be required to participate in appropriate educational 
program(s). The required participation in an educational program under this amnesty procedure will 
not be considered a sanction.

Nothing in this amnesty provision shall be interpreted to prevent an individual who is otherwise 
obligated by law (including under the Clery Act) to report information or statistical data as 


























The University’s complaint process, outlined herein, is the procedure used to investigate 
complaints or reports of discrimination and harassment covered by this Policy, to end any 
discrimination and harassment found, to remedy the effects of discrimination and harassment, and to 
prevent any recurrence. If appropriate and permitted under applicable law, EOO may recommend that 
the Complainant and Respondent attempt to resolve their differences through an informal resolution.

Proceedings under this Policy may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with or following civil 

or criminal proceedings. Decisions about the timing of specific actions will be made by EOO based 
on the status of the evidence and other relevant case factors. These procedures do not replace the 
right of the Complainant or Respondent to file complaints or seek remedies available under state or 
federal law.

Any member of the University Community who feels they have experienced discrimination or harassment 
is encouraged, but not required, to clearly explain to the alleged offender that the behavior is 
objectionable and should stop immediately. The University encourages any member of the University 
Community to report any unresolved incidents of discrimination or harassment as outlined in this 

University employees identified as witnesses are required to fully cooperate with an investigation. 
Any member of the University Community who willfully disregards, delays, or thwarts an 
investigation or makes false statements during an investigation may be found in violation of this 
Policy and subject to disciplinary action under this Policy; provided, however, that this provision 
does not require persons accused under this Policy to make a statement or respond to the 
allegations against her/him during the investigation. If the accused chooses not to provide a 
statement or response to the allegations, that silence will be considered a general denial of the 
allegations. However, the investigation may ultimately proceed and result in a policy violation if 
the evidence collected proves a violation by a preponderance of the evidence.
The NDAH Officer/Title IX Coordinator or their designee will explain to all parties that he/she is 
not an advocate or representative for either the Complainant or the Respondent. Advocacy, 
counseling, and support resources available on campus and in the greater community are identified 
at the end of this Policy.

Information obtained during the course of the complaint process will be shared with other 
participants or witnesses in the investigation only to the extent necessary to conduct a thorough, 
fair and impartial investigation.

A. Standard of Review

Investigative findings under this Policy will be made using the preponderance of the evidence 
standard (i.e., “more likely than not”). This standard requires that the information supporting an 
alleged violation be more convincing than the information in opposition to it.

B. Interim Protective Measures

The EOO Director/NDAH Officer/Title IX Coordinator or their designee may impose interim protective 
measures before the final resolution of an investigation if failure to take the interim measures 
would constitute a threat to the safety and well-being of the Complainant or other members of the 
University Community or to ensure equal access to the University’s education programs and 
activities. Before any such measures are instituted, however, the NDAH Officer/Title IX Coordinator 
should, where practicable, provide the Respondent with an initial opportunity to respond to the 
allegations and to the imposition of any interim protective measures that directly impact the 

Imposing interim protective measures does not indicate that a violation of this Policy has

occurred. Such measures are designed to protect the Complainant and the University Community and 
are not designed to harm the Respondent. To the extent interim measures are imposed, they should 
minimize the burden on both parties where feasible.

These interim measures may include but are not limited to:

1. Change of University housing assignment;
2. Issuance of a mutual “no contact” directive;
3. Restrictions or bars to entering certain University property;
4. Changes to academic or employment arrangements, schedules, or supervision;
5. Interim suspension;
6. Withholding graduation or degree conferral; and
7. Other measures designed to promote the safety and well-being of the parties and the University 
An interim suspension should only be issued where necessary to maintain safety and should be 
limited to those situations where the Respondent poses a serious and immediate danger or threat to 
persons or property. In making such an assessment, the University will consider the existence of a 
significant risk to the health or safety of the Complainant or the University Community; the 
nature, duration, and severity of the risk; the probability of potential injury; and whether less 
restrictive means can be used to sufficiently mitigate the risk.

If an interim suspension is issued, the terms of the suspension take effect immediately. When 
requested by the Respondent, a hearing with the EOO Director/NDAH Officer/Title IX Coordinator to 
determine whether the intermediate suspension should continue will be held within three (3) 
business days of the request. The Complainant will be informed of the request and provided the 
opportunity to participate in the hearing.

C. Initiating an Investigation

Upon receipt of a report of prohibited conduct, EOO will engage in a preliminary inquiry to: assess 
and understand the nature of the report; provide outreach to complainant; offer supportive measures 
as outlined in this Policy; determine what university policy, if any, applies to the report; 
determine whether the parties are within the jurisdiction of the university; determine whether the 
report implicates a safety threat; and determine what resolution may be reasonably available and 

Making a report is different from filing a complaint. When EOO receives a report of prohibited 
conduct, it will offer supportive measures to a complainant, inform the complainant of the 
availability of supportive measures, and explain the process for filing a complaint.

At the conclusion of this preliminary inquiry, the following options may be available:

1. Dismissal with no further action
a. No complaint filed and no supportive measures received.
b. May involve a referral to another university unit for policy review.
2. Supportive measures only






























a. Complainant receives supportive measures only and elects not to file complaint.
3. Other Resolution
a. Educational conversations or coaching which are considered non-disciplinary actions.
4. Informal Process
a. Informal Resolution requested in a complaint filed by the Complainant.
b. Recommended by EOO to the parties.
5. Formal Process
a. Investigation requested in a complaint filed by the Complainant.
b. Investigation initiated by a complaint signed by the Title IX Coordinator.

D. Dismissal of Report or Complaint Without Investigation

1. EOO reserves the right to dismiss a report or complaint under the following circumstances:
a. The Complainant or Reporting Party makes a report to EOO that does not allege a concern or 
violation within EOO’s subject matter jurisdiction;
b. The Complainant or Reporting Party makes a report to EOO that, assuming the report is true and 
accurate, would not reach the preponderance of the evidence standard to be a violation of the NDAH 
c.  The Complainant or Reporting Party makes a report to EOO that is within EOO’s subject matter 
jurisdiction, but the evidence known or potentially available is significantly short of the 
preponderance of the evidence standard;
d. The Respondent is no longer enrolled in or employed by the University; and
e.  Specific circumstances, including a Complainant’s unwillingness or inability to participate in 
the review or investigation, prevent EOO from gathering evidence sufficient to reach a 
determination as to the complaint or allegations therein.
2. If a complaint is dismissed, any investigative or informal resolution will cease, but the matter 
may be referred to other resolution processes or appropriate follow-up such as an educational 
conversation or informal coaching. EOO reserves the right to document a matter, require remedial 
measures as appropriate, and reopen the matter at a later date if additional information is brought 
to the attention of EOO that supports conducting further investigation.
3.  Parties may appeal the dismissal of a complaint by notifying the EOO Director/Title IX 
Coordinator in writing of their appeal within five (5) business days of the dismissal of the 
complaint. The other party will be notified of the appeal of the dismissal decision. Appeals of a 
dismissal decision will be reviewed by EOO Director/Title IX Coordinator. Parties will be notified 
of the outcome of the appeal in writing within five (5) business days of filing the dismissal 
decision appeal. The outcome of a dismissal decision appeal can either uphold or reverse the 
dismissal decision. If the appeal upholds the dismissal, the basis of the dismissal decision will 
be implemented. If the dismissal decision is reversed, either an investigative or informal 
resolution process will resume. Any dismissal decision appeal outcome is final.

E. Informal Process

The informal process is an opportunity to bring resolution to a complaint through awareness, 
education, and/or a facilitated discussion. Informal resolution may be appropriate if the parties 
and EOO Director/NDAH Officer/Title IX Coordinator or their designee agree that an informal process 
is appropriate. The informal process is not available when a student is alleging Sexual

Misconduct against an employee.

During an informal process, fact-finding may occur to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict 
and protect the interest of the parties and the University Community. The terms of the informal 
resolution must be designed to stop any prohibited behavior, restore or preserve an environment 
free from prohibited discrimination or harassment, and prevent the reoccurrence of prohibited 
harassment or discrimination. Either party has the option to end the informal process and request a 
formal process at any time prior to the agreement of the terms of an informal resolution. A failed 
informal process will not be a factor in the formal resolution process.

Informal resolutions may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:
1. Training;
2. Changes to work or academic arrangements;
3. Housing reassignment;
4. Informal discussion with person whose conduct, if not stopped, could rise to the level of 
discrimination or harassment;
5. Advisory discussion with the Respondent’s supervisor, professor, or advisor;
6. “No contact” directive to one or more of the parties; and
7. Sanctions as defined by this Policy or the Code of Conduct.

An informal resolution represents the final disposition of the complaint and is not appealable.

F. Formal Process

All complaints that are not resolved through the informal process or to which the informal process 
does not apply or is deemed inappropriate are resolved through a formal
process involving a full investigation conducted by the EOO Director/NDAH Officer/Title IX 
Coordinator designee.

As part of the formal process, the investigator will:
1. Inform the parties of their right to be interviewed and provide evidence;
2. Inform the parties of their right to an advisor;
3. Inform the parties of their right to determine their level of participation including the right 
to remain silent;
4. Obtain information and evidence, including the identity of any witnesses, from the parties;
5. Attempt to obtain information from the identified witnesses;
6. Ask relevant questions, submitted by the parties, to any witness or party;
7. Ask additional questions deemed relevant by the investigator;
8. Collect and maintain appropriate documentation of the investigation and any evidence obtained;
9. Disclose appropriate information to others only on a need-to-know basis consistent with state 
and federal law;
10. Keep the appropriate supervisors/administrators/faculty informed of the status of the complaint 
and investigation, and seek input from them as appropriate when implementing any resolution or 
discipline; and

11. Provide the Complainant, alleged victim, and the Respondent the opportunity to review the 
evidence collected and respond to that evidence.

If the Respondent chooses to remain silent without providing a verbal or written response to the 
allegations, the investigator will consider the absence of a response as a general denial of the 
alleged misconduct. The investigation will proceed and a Policy violation may be found against the 
Respondent if supported by a preponderance of the evidence.
The interviews and exchange of information through the investigator, including the opportunity to 
respond to evidence and to provide the investigator questions a party wishes to pose to the other 
party or a witness, constitute the hearing process for all complaints of discrimination and 
discriminatory harassment other than Title IX Sexual Misconduct that is adjudicated in accordance 
with the USG Policy to Prohibit Discrimination & Harassment, USG Standards for Institutional 
Student Conduct Investigation and Disciplinary Proceedings, and the UGA Sexual Misconduct Policy.
At the completion of the investigation process, the investigator will prepare a draft report of 
findings, which will be shared with the parties. The parties will have the opportunity to review 
the investigation materials upon receipt of the draft report. The parties will have at least ten 
(10) business days to review the investigation file and submit a written response to the report. 
The investigator will respond to any additional information provided in the responses by continuing 
the investigation, make any modifications to the investigation report as appropriate, or finalize 
the report of findings without further action.

The investigator may consolidate multiple allegations arising out of the same set of facts and 
circumstances, or similar allegations against a common party if the allegations become known during 
the pendency of an investigation. The parties shall have the opportunity to request or object to 
the consolidation; however, the investigator shall have the authority to make the final 

The investigator may consider a pattern of behavior in determining whether the Policy has been 
violated, if evidence of that pattern is known during the pendency of an investigation or if a 
prior investigation of similar conduct is available.

1. Resolution

The amount of time needed to conduct an investigation will depend in part on the nature of the 
allegation(s) and the evidence to be investigated (e.g., the scope of the allegations, the time 
period and number of events implicated by or relevant to the complaint, the number or availability 
of witnesses involved and the volume of documents). The formal investigation process, including the 
exhaustion of appeal rights, should be concluded within 120 business days of receipt of the 
complaint. The EOO Director/NDAH Officer/Title IX Coordinator or their designee will advise the 
parties if it is determined that the investigation process has been delayed and that the 120 
business days may not be met. The parties must be apprised of the additional estimated amount of 
time needed for the investigation. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the EOO Director/NDAH 
Officer/Title IX Coordinator or their designee will notify the Complainant and Respondent, in 
writing, of the results of the investigation. The written decision will be disclosed only to the 
parties and University officials as appropriate to determine and enforce any

remedial actions, discipline, or sanctions, and to prepare for any appeals. EOO will determine 
whether remedial action is effective. Complainants are encouraged to report any reoccurrences of 
conduct that were found to violate this Policy, as well as to report any retaliation for the 
complaint or related investigation.

Remedial and preventative measures may be imposed by the EOO even in the absence of a violation of 
this Policy if conduct is found to occur that may, if not addressed, rise to the level of a 
violation. Any unprofessional conduct or inappropriate behavior found during the course of the 
investigation that is not covered by the Policy will be referred to the respective department or 
Human Resources for review.
2. Remedies

Where discrimination or harassment in violation of this Policy is determined to have occurred, the 
University will take timely action to remedy the effects. Potential remedies for the Complainant or 
victim include, but are not limited to:

1. Extensions of time to re-do or complete academic work without an academic or financial penalty;
2. Changes to academic or employment arrangements, schedules, or supervision that minimize burden 
on the Complainant or victim;
3. Provision of or referral to medical, counseling, and academic support services;
4. Change of University housing assignment;
5. Training/re-training on this Policy and other relevant topics for individuals or groups 
implicated in the discrimination or harassment;
6. “Mutual no contact” directive; and
7. Other measures designed to repair negative impact of discrimination or harassment.

3. Sanctions

If a violation of this Policy is found, the level of discipline and type or scope of sanctions will 
depend on the severity and nature of the discrimination or harassment, the weight of the evidence, 
and the need to maintain a safe and respectful environment. EOO will also consider any history of 
past discriminatory, harassing, or retaliatory conduct, the Respondent’s willingness to accept 
responsibility, and previous institutional response to similar conduct.
Available sanctions include, but are not limited to:

1. Mandatory training or counseling;
2. “No Contact” directive;
3. Restriction or bar to entering certain University property or attending University events;
4. Housing reassignment;
5. Community service;
6. Written warning;
7. Transcript notation;
8. Delayed degree conferral or revocation of degree;
9. Probation;
10. Suspension; and
11. Expulsion or termination.

4. Right to Appeal
All parties shall have the right to appeal the outcome of the formal process and decision to the 
University President pursuant to this Policy. The President must receive a written appeal within 
ten (10) business days after the receipt of the written notification of the decision being 
appealed. Parties must include all materials in support of their appeal at that same time the 
appeal to the President is filed. In addition, the appeal must identify one or more of the 
following factors upon which the appeal is based:

1. Material failure to comply with applicable procedures in the NDAH Policy or to conduct a 
reasonably thorough investigation;
2. Partiality, bias, or conflict of interest by the EOO Director/NDAH Officer/Title IX Coordinator 
or their designee;
3. Findings, if not overturned or modified, would result in a substantial injustice to a party or 
parties, including a substantially inadequate or excessive sanction; or
4. New evidence that was not reasonably available to be presented by the parties during the course 
of the investigation.
The President’s office will notify the non-appealing party of the appeal, if they have participated 
in the investigative process, and provide that party an opportunity to respond in writing, unless 
that party has opted not to participate in the investigation process. The President or their 
designee may receive additional information if they believe such information would aid in the 

The President may:
1. Affirm the original finding and sanction;
2. Affirm the original finding but issue a new sanction of greater or lesser severity;
3. Remand the case back to the Equal Opportunity Office to correct a procedural or factual defect; 
4. Reverse or dismiss the case if there was a procedural or factual defect that cannot be remedied 
by remand.

A decision by the President or their designee will be made within a reasonable time and the NDAH 
Officer/Title IX Coordinator, the Complainant, and the Respondent will be notified in writing of 
the decision on the appeal. During the time of appeal and review, disciplinary action or sanction 
or remedial/preventative measures, if any, taken as a result of the original complaint may be 
implemented and enforced. Upon the request of the appealing party, the President may, in their 
discretion, temporarily suspend the imposition of the disciplinary action, sanction, or 
remedial/preventative measures while the appeal is pending.
If an appeal is not filed within the appeal period, the findings become final and are not subject 
to any review.

UGA Title IX Coordinator


UGA Equal Opportunity Office & Title IX Coordinator
(706) 542-7912


Individual Support, Consultation and Referral Services

UGA Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
(706) 542-2273


UGA Office of Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) (Provides crisis support, 
information, advocacy, education and outreach) (706) 542- 7233 or (706) 542-8690

Process Support Services
(Process Support Services at the University of Georgia are available to any student who has been 
accused of violating the University System of Georgia Board of Regents’ Student Sexual Misconduct 


UGA Center for Counseling and Personal Evaluation
(706) 542-8508


UGA Psychology Clinic
(706) 542-1173


Love and Money Center
(Offers individual, couple, and family therapy) (706) 542-4486


UGA Family Justice Clinic
(706) 542-6272

The Cottage Sexual Assault Centers and Children's Advocacy Center
(Provides interventions, referrals, support and resources for survivors of sexual assault and child 
(706) 546-1133
24-hour Crisis Line: (877) 363-1912


Project Safe
(24-hour confidential domestic violence services) (706) 543-3331; Text Line - 706-765-8019

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
(Help in work or personal life) (844) 243-4440

Health and Medical Services

University of Georgia’s Health Center
(706) 542-1162


Gynecology Clinic
(706) 542-8691 clinic/
UGA Primary Care Clinics and Urgent Care (706) 542-1162

UGA John Fontaine, Jr. Center for Alcohol Awareness and Education
(706) 542-1162


UGA Health Promotion Department
(706) 542-8690


UGA Collegiate Recovery Community
(706) 542-0285


St. Mary’s Hospital
(706) 389-3000


Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center
(706) 475-7000


Athens-Clarke County Health Department
(706) 389-6921


Law Enforcement and Student Conduct Services

University of Georgia Police Department
911 or (706) 542-2200

Athens-Clarke County Police Department
911 or (706) 613-3330


UGA Office of Student Conduct
(706) 542-1131

Academic Support or Problem Solving

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
(706) 542-3564


Dean of Dean of Students, including Student Care and Outreach
(706) 542-7774 or


Division of Academic Enhancement
(706) 542-5436


UGA Regents’ Center for Learning Disorders
(706) 542-4589


UGA Accessibility and Testing
(706) 542-8719 / (706) 542-8778 (tty)


UGA Human Resources
(706) 542-2222


Office of Legal Affairs
(706) 542-0006


Ombudsperson Program


Housing Services

University Housing Department
(706) 542-1421

Residential Programs & Services
(706) 542-6533

Cultural Support

UGA Office of Multicultural Services and Programs
(706) 542-5773

PRIDE Center
(706) 542-4077
Student Veterans Resource Center
(706) 542-9629


UGA International Student Life
(706) 542-5867


Office of Global Engagement
(706) 542-2900

UGA Office of Inclusive Excellence
(706) 583-8195
UGA Women’s Resources
Adopted: 9/15/2011
Amended: 11/28/2012; 5/6/2014; 9/24/2014; 11/9/2015; 8/25/2016; 10/4/2016; 2/20/2017; 3/15/2017; 
8/17/2017; 10/25/2017; 2/8/2018; 4/27/2018; 7/31/2018; 10/27/2020;
3/15/2021; 11/1/2021; 3/11/2022; 5/24/2023; 3/13/2025



Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy (PDF)
Title VII
Title VI